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Category Archives: Computer Security

Supposing Is Good, But KNOWING Is Better

Mark Twain Once Said, “Supposing Is Good, But KNOWING Is Better”     If you want to know for SURE that your current IT company (or IT person) is truly doing everything they can to secure your network and protect you from ransomware, bank fraud, stolen and lost data and all the other threats, problems and costs […]

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Do you Require STRONG passwords and passcodes to lock mobile devices

Passwords should be at least 8 characters and contain lowercase and uppercase letters, symbols and at least one number. On a cell phone, requiring a passcode to be entered will go a long way toward preventing a stolen device from being compromised. Again, this can be ENFORCED by your network administrator so employees don’t get […]

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Biggest Security Threat to Any Business…

The #1 Security Threat To ANY Business Is…You! Like it or not, almost all security breaches in business are due to an employee clicking, downloading or opening a file that’s infected, either on a website or in an e-mail; once a hacker gains entry, they use that person’s e-mail and/or access to infect all the […]

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CCleaner Infected with Malware – What should you do?

The company that makes CCleaner, Avast’s Piriform, announced that its free software was infected with malware. If you use CCleaner, here’s what you need to know.  According to Piriform, around 3 percent — roughly 2.27 million computers — used the infected software. Specifically, computers running 32-bit Windows 10. If that applies to you, don’t panic. […]

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Which Generation is Most Distracted by Their Phones?

Which Generation is Most Distracted by Their Phones? – http://bit.ly/1TPtKgY

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